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Mescid-i Nebevî - Ravza-i Mutahhara - Medine - Al-Masjid an-Nabawi - Prophetenmoschee - Baskı Önizleme +- Tiryaki Board (https://tiryakiboard.com) +-- Forum: GENEL KÜLTÜR BİLGİLERİ (https://tiryakiboard.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=10) +--- Forum: GENEL KÜLTÜR BiLGiLERi MAiN (https://tiryakiboard.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=229) +---- Forum: Sanal Dergi (https://tiryakiboard.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=245) +---- Konu Başlığı: Mescid-i Nebevî - Ravza-i Mutahhara - Medine - Al-Masjid an-Nabawi - Prophetenmoschee (/showthread.php?tid=6448) |
Mescid-i Nebevî - Ravza-i Mutahhara - Medine - Al-Masjid an-Nabawi - Prophetenmoschee - RasitTunca - 05-24-2019 Mescid-i Nebevî - Ravza-i Mutahhara - Medine - Al-Masjid an-Nabawi - Prophetenmoschee Mescid-i Nebevî veya Peygamber Mescidi (Arapça: المسجد النبوي), Hicret'ten sonra Medine'de İslam peygamberi Muhammed ile arkadaşları tarafından inşa edilen, Muhammed'in kabrinin de içerisinde bulunduğu mescit. "Nebevi" Arapçada "peygambere ait" anlamına gelir, "Mescid-i Nebevî" tamlamasının anlamı ise "Peygamber Mescidi"dir. Mekke'de bulunan Mescid-i Haram'dan sonra Müslümanlara göre ikinci en kutsal mescittir. Mescid-i Nebevî ya da Mescid-i Nebi ilk inşasında basit yapılıydı. Hurma kütüklerinden sütunları, hurma dallarından çatısı, taşlardan duvarları vardı. Hemen bitişiğindeki ev kısmı da (bugün kabirdir) kerpiçtendi. Minberi, mihrabı yoktu. Muhammed cuma konuşmalarını minber olmadığından bir ağaç kütüğünün üstünde yapardı. Mescidin Suffa denilen bir bölümü fakirlere ayrılmıştı. 654 yılındaki deprem ve yangında bu mescit yanmıştır. Emeviler, Abbasiler, Memlükler ve Osmanlılar dönemlerinde yeniden yapılmıştır. Halifeler Ebu Bekir ve Ömer bin Hattab'ın kabirleri de buradadır. Mescidin yapım aşaması Peygamber dönemi İslam peygamberi Muhammed 24 Eylül 622'de Medine'ye vardığında Ensar ve Muhacirler'den oluşan Müslümanlar onu şehrin girişinde karşıladı. Kendisini çok sayıda davet eden olduğundan ve kimseyi kırmak istemediğinden, devesi Kasvâ'yı serbest bırakmalarını ve onun çöktüğü yere en yakın evde konaklayacağını söyledi. Kasvâ Malik b. Neccaroğulları'nın evlerinin önünde, hurma kurutulan bir düzlükte çökünce, buraya en yakın olan evin sahibi Ebû Eyyûbb el-Ensarî ye konuk oldu. Muhammed, Kasvâ'nın çöktüğü ve Sehl ile Süheyl adında iki yetim çocuğa ait olan bu boş araziyi, sahiplerine Ebu Bekir tarafından ödenen 10 dinar karşılığında, herkesin namaz ibadetini yerine getirebileceği ve toplantı yapabileceği bir mescit (cami) inşa etmek amacıyla satın aldı.[1] Eylül 622'de temeli atılan bu yapı, 623 nisanında bittiğinde takriben 35 m eninde ve 30 m genişliğinde (yaklaşık 1022 m²), taş temel üzerine pişirilmemiş kerpiçten örülü duvarlarlı üç kapılı bir şekildeydi. Çatısı ise hurma yapraklarıyla oluşturulmuştu. Muhammed'in de taş ve kerpiçlerin taşınmasında Müslümanlara eşlik ettiği rivayet edilir. Mescid ilk yapıldığında batıda Babürrahme, doğuda Babücibril ve güneyde Babülcenubî olarak 3 kapısı vardı. Kıble Kudüs'ten Kabe'ye çevrildikten sonra güney kapısı kapatılarak kuzeye başka bir kapı açılmıştır (günümüzde ise Mescid-i Nebevi'nin 41 ana giriş ve çıkış noktası bulunmaktadır). Hicret'ten sonra Medine'deki Müslümanların sayısı günden güne artmaya başladı ve mescit namaz kılanlara dar geldi. Bunun üzerine Muhammed mescidi genişletmeye karar verdi. Mescid-i Nebevî'nin başlangıçta kapılarından hiçbiri kadınlara tahsis edilmemişti ancak camiye giden kadınların sayısında artış olunca kapılardan biri kadınlara ayrıldı ve bu kapıdan erkeklerin girmesi yasaklandı [2][3].Hicri Takvim'e göre 7. yılda Hayber'in alınmasının ardından mescit takribi olarak 20m en ve 15m boy eklemesi ile iki misli genişletildi. Böylece mescid 50 x 50 m'lik bir kare şeklini aldı. Yükseklik 3.5 m'ye yükseldi ve toplam 35 sütun kapsadı. Bu eklenen alanını Osman bin Affan satın almıştır.[4] Halife Ebu Bekir döneminde mescit aynı kalmıştır. Ömer bin Hattab dönemi Devletin sınırlarının genişlemesi ile beraber İslam Devleti'nin nüfusu arttı. Halife Ömer bin Hattab mescidi genişletme kararı aldı. H. 17. yılda Halife Ömer mescitte büyük bir restorasyona girişti. Mescid-i Nebevi, takribi olmak üzere Kıble yönünden 5 m, batı yönünden 10 m ve kuzey yönünden 15 m genişletildi. Böylece mescidin eni 60 m, boyu ise 70 m'ye ulaştı. Yapı malzemesi olarak yine aynı malzemeler kullanıldı. Hurma kütüklerine dayandırılarak 5–6 m yüksekliğinde ve 2 metrelik kalınlığa sahip hurma yapraklarıyla örtülü bir çatı inşa edildi. Osman bin Affan dönemi Halife Ömer döneminde yapılan restorasyon Halife Osman bin Affan döneminde namaz kılanların ve ziyaretçilerin ihtiyacını karşılamamaya başladı. H. 29. yılında mescid Kıble, Batı ve Kuzey yönünden genişletilip aynı zamanda yükseltildi. Malzeme olarak kireç ve işlenmiş taş kullanıldı, sütunlarda tadilat yapılarak taş ile inşa edildi. Halife Ali bin Ebu Talib döneminde mescit aynı kalmıştır. Emeviler Mescid-i Nebevi'nin Yeşil Kubbesi ve Osmanlı minaresi Sonraki yöneticiler mescidi genişletmeye ve süslemeye devam ettiler. M. 707'de, Emevilerin altıncı Halifesi I. Velid (705-715) eski yapıyı değiştirerek yerine, Peygamber'in türbesini de içine alan, daha büyük bir yapı inşa etti. Bu mescid 84 x 100 m boyunda, taş zeminli, taş sütunlarla destekli tik çatılı idi. Şam'daki Emevi Camii'ndeki ve Kudüs'teki Mescid-i Aksa'daki gibi (aynı Halife yaptırmıştır), duvarlar Kıpti ve Rum ustalarca mozaik ile süslendi. Avlu'nun dört tarafı bir galeri ile çevrildi, her köşeye bir minare dikildi. Kible duvarına küçük kubbeli bir mihrab inşa edildi. Abbasiler Halife Mehdi (M. 775-785), I. Velid’in eklemiş olduğu bölgenin kuzey kısmını genişletmek için yenilemiştir. Mescide 20 kapı eklemiştir: doğu ve batı duvarlarına sekizer, kuzey duvara dört kapı.[kaynak belirtilmeli] Memlukler Duvarda Osmanlılar'dan kalma Hüsn-ü Hat ile Kuran ayetleri ve Peygamber'in diğer isimleri Memluk Sultanı Mansur Kalavun zamanında, Peygamber Muhammed'in yatırı üzerine bir kubbe, Bab es-Selam’ın dışarısında da bir şadırvan inşa edilmiştir. Sultan Nasır Muhammed önceden yıkılan dördüncü minareyi tekrar imar etmiştir. 1481’deki bir yıldırımın çarpmasıyla mescidin birçok yeri hasar gördükten sonra, Sultan Kayıtbay doğu, batı ve kıble duvarlarını yeniden imar etmiştir. Ayrıca Yeşil Kubbe'yi taşıyan sütunları ve perdeli duvarı inşa ettirmiştir. Osmanlılar I. Abdülmecid zamanından kalma Mihrab Osmanlı Devleti 1517'den I. Dünya Savaşı sonuna kadar Medine'yi yönetti. "Çöl Kaplanı" Fahrettin Paşa'nın 10 Ocak 1919'da Medine Müdafaası sona erince bölgedeki 400 yıllık Osmanlı idaresi de son buldu. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (1520-1566) caminin doğu ve batı duvarlarını yeniden inşa etti, ve Süleymaniyye olarak bilinen kuzeydoğu minareyi ekledi. Peygamber'in mihrabı Şafi'iyya'nın yanına, Ahnaf adında yeni bir mihrab ekledi, ve Peygamber'in türbesinin (Hücre-i Saadet) üzerine çelik saçla kaplı yeni bir kubbe yerleştirdi. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, Babürrahme (batı kapısı)'yi yenileterek sağ ve sol taraflarına Muhammed'in alemlere rahmet olarak gönderildiğini bildiren ayet ile Osman Bey'den Kanuni'ye kadar olan Osmanlı sultanlarının isimlerini yazdırmıştır.III. Murad (1574–1595) zamanından bugün de kullanılan minber inşa edildi. 1817'de II. Mahmud, kubbe ile kaplı mescidin güneydoğu tarafına Ravza-i Mutahhara inşasını tamamladı. Kubbe 1839'da yeşile boyandı ve o günden itibaren Kubbe-i Hadra (Yeşil Kubbe) olarak bilinir. Sultan I. Abdülmecid (1839–1861) zamanında, Peygamber'in türbesi, üç mihrablar, minber ve Süleymaniyye minaresi hariç, bütün camii yeniden tanzim edildi. Kuzey tarafına bir abdesthane yapılarak genişletildi. Güney tarafındaki namaz yeri enine doğru iki misli büyütüldü, ve küçük kubbeler ile kaplandı. Kubbelerin içi Kuran'dan ayetler ve Kaside-i Bürde şiirinden beyitlerle süslendi. Kible duvarı Kuran'dan hatlarla yazılı cilalı döşemelerle kaplandı. Namaz yeri ve avlunun yerleri mermer ve kırmızı taş ile döşendi. Çevrili olan alanın batısına beşinci minare, Mecidiyye, inşa edildi. Hücre-i Saadet Ravza-i Mutahhara içinde III. Murad'dan kalma Minber Mescid-i Nebevi'nin ilk inşasında mescidin doğu duvarına bitişik Muhammed ve ailesi için iki oda yaptırıldı. Bu odaların sayısı daha sonra dokuza kadar yükseldi. Daha sonra Muhammed, Ebu Bekir ve Ömer buraya defnedilmiştir. Dördüncü bir yer boş bırakılmıştır. Ahir Zaman'da, İsa'nın inip Deccal'ı öldürüp dünyada bir müddet kalıp vefat ettiğinde buraya gömüleceği rivayet edilmektedir. Birkaç defa tadilat geçirdikten sonra II. Mahmud zamanında üzerine kubbe yapılmış ve üzerine kurşun dökülmüş, daha sonra da bu kubbe yeşile boyandı. Kubbe-i Hadra "Yeşil Kubbe" anlamına gelir, mescidin yeşil kubbesine verilen addır. Hücre-i Saadet'in üzerindedir. Ravza-i Mutahhara Peygamberi'in içinde namaz kılmayı teşvik ettiği Hücre-i Saadet ve Minberi arasında kalan kısım, "Ravza-i Mutahhara" veya "Riyazul Cenne" olarak bilinir. Buranın cennetten bir bölüm gibi olduğu hadislerde bildirilmektedir.[6] Minber Muhammed, mescidinde cemaate hitap ederken dayanması için hurma ağacından olan büyük bir kütüğü kullanmaktaydı. Daha sonra cemaatin Muhammed'in yüzünü göremeyip sesini de işitememesi üzerine hicri 7. (628) veya 8. (629) yıllarda ılgın ağacından 50 x 125 cm ebadında ve bir metre yükseklikte, arkasında 3 sütunu bulunan 3 basamaklı ilk minber yapılmıştır. İlk halifeler Muhammed'e hürmetten dolayı üçüncü basamağı kullanmamışlar ve bu basamağı bir tahta parçasıyla kapatmışlardır. Osman devrinde minber üzerine bir kubbe yapılarak kumaşla örtülmüş, ayrıca merdivenler abanoz ağacıyla kaplanmıştır. Muaviye bin Ebu Süfyan zamanında ise minber altı basamak daha yükseltilmiştir. Bu ilk minber 654 (1256) senesine kadar kullanılmıştır. Aynı yıl meydana gelen yangında minber yanınca Yemen hükümdarı Melikü’l Muzaffer Şemseddin tarafından gönderilen minber 656 (1258) yılında yerine yerleştirilmiştir. Bu tarihten sonra 666 (1268)’da Sultan Baybars, 797 (1395)’de Memluk sultanı Berkuk, 820 (1417)’de bir başka Memluk sultanı Şeyh el-Mahmudî tarafından minber yenilenmiş veya yenisi gönderilmiştir. 886 (1481) senesinde minber tekrar yanınca Medineliler tarafından tuğla alçıdan yapılan minber, 888 (1483) senesinde Sultan Kayıtbay tarafından gönderilen mermer minberle değiştirilmiştir. 998 (1590) tarihinde Osmanlı sultanı III. Murad’ın İstanbul’da imal ettirip süslettirdiği mermer minber, Medine’ye gönderildiğinde Kayıtbay’ın minberi Kuba Mescidine taşınmıştır. Halen Sultan III. Murad’ın minberi Mescid-i Nebevî’de kullanılmaktadır. Bugünkü hali Mescid günümüzde etrafını kuşatan mermer kaplı avlusu dahil toplam 400.000 m2dir. ENGLISH Al-Masjid an-Nabawī (Arabic: المسجد النبوي), also called the Prophet's Mosque, is a mosque established and originally built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, situated in the city of Medina. Al-Masjid an-Nabawi was the second mosque built in the history of Islam and is now one of the largest mosques in the world. It is the second-holiest site in Islam, after al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. The site was originally adjacent to Muhammad's house; he settled there after his Hijra (emigration) to Medina in 622 CE. He shared in the heavy work of construction. The original mosque was an open-air building. The mosque also served as a community center, a court, and a religious school. There was a raised platform for the people who taught the Quran. Subsequent Islamic rulers greatly expanded and decorated it. In 1909, it became the first place in the Arabian Peninsula to be provided with electrical lights.[2] The mosque is under the control of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The mosque is located in what was traditionally the center of Medina, with many hotels and old markets nearby. It is a major pilgrimage site. Many pilgrims who perform the Hajj go on to Medina to visit the mosque due to its connections to the life of Muhammad. After an expansion during the reign of the Umayyad caliph al-Walid I, it also now incorporates the final resting place of Muhammad and the first two Rashidun caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar.[3] One of the most notable features of the site is the Green Dome in the south-east corner of the mosque,[4] originally Aisha's house,[3] where the tomb of Muhammad is located. In 1279, a wooden cupola was built over the tomb which was later rebuilt and renovated multiple times in late 15th century and once in 1817. The current dome was added in 1818 by the Ottoman sultan Mahmud II,[4] and it was first painted green in 1837, hence becoming known as the "Green Dome".[3] History Al-Masjid an-Nabawi during the Ottoman Era, 19th Century First built The original mosque was built by Muhammed and his companions next to the house where he settled after his journey to Medina in 622 CE. The original mosque was an open-air building (covered by palm fronds) with a raised platform for the reading of the Quran. It was a rectangular enclosure of 30 m × 35 m (98 ft × 115 ft) at a height of 2 m (6 ft 7 in) wall which was built with palm trunks and mud walls. It was accessed through three doors: Bab Rahmah (Door of Mercy) to the south, Bab Jibril (Door of Gabriel) to the west and Bab al-Nisa' (Door of the Women) to the east.[citation needed]The basic plan of the building has since been adopted in the building of most mosques throughout the world.[citation needed] Inside, Muhammed created a shaded area to the south called the suffah and aligned the prayer space facing north towards Jerusalem. When the qibla (prayer direction) was changed to face the Kaaba in Mecca, the mosque was re-oriented to the south. The mosque also served as a community center, a court, and a religious school.[citation needed] Seven years later (629 AD/7 AH), the mosque was doubled in size to accommodate the increasing number of Muslims. The area of the mosque was enlarged by 20 m × 15 m (66 ft × 49 ft) and became almost a square 50 m × 49.5 m (164 ft × 162 ft).[citation needed] The height increased to became 3.5 m (11 ft) and the mosque encompassed 35 columns.[citation needed] The mosque remained like that during the caliphate of Abu Bakr until the caliphate of 'Umar bin al-Khattab, who enlarged the area of the mosque to 3575 m2 and built more wooden columns.[citation needed] During the time of Uthman ibn Affan an arcade of stone and plaster was added to the mosque and the columns were remolded and built of stone.[citation needed] Umayyads Subsequent Islamic rulers continued to enlarge and embellish the mosque over the centuries. In 707, Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik (705-715) replaced the old structure and built a larger one in its place, incorporating the tomb of Muhammad. This mosque was 84 by 100 m (276 by 328 ft) in size, with stone foundations and a teak roof supported on stone columns. The mosque walls were decorated with mosaics by Coptic and Greek craftsmen, similar to those seen in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (built by the same Caliph). The courtyard was surrounded by a gallery on four sides, with four minarets on its corners. A mihrab topped by a small dome was built on the qibla wall.[citation needed] Abbasids Abbasid Caliph al-Mahdi (775-785) replaced the northern section of Al-Walid's mosque between 778 and 781 to enlarge it further. He also added 20 doors to the mosque: eight on each of the east and west walls, and four on the north wall.[citation needed] Mamluks During the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Al Mansur Qalawun, a dome was erected above the tomb of Muhammad and an ablution fountain was built outside of Bab al-Salam (Door of Peace). Sultan Al-Nasir Mohammed rebuilt the fourth minaret that had been destroyed earlier. After a lightning strike destroyed much of the mosque in 1481, Sultan Qaitbay rebuilt the east, west and qibla walls.[citation needed] Ottomans The Green Dome ca. 1850 The Ottoman sultans who ruled Medina from 1517 until World War I also made their mark. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–1566) rebuilt the western and eastern walls of the mosque and built the northeastern minaret known as al-Suleymaniyya. He added a new mihrab (al-Ahnaf) next to the Prophet's mihrab (al-Shafi'iyyah), and placed a new dome covered in lead sheets above the tomb of Muhammad. The Rawdah (referred to as al-Rawdah al-Mutaharah), covered by the dome over the south-east corner of the mosque,[4] was constructed in 1817C.E. during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II. The dome was painted green in 1837 C.E. and came to be known as the "Green Dome".[3] During the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid I (1839–1861), the mosque was entirely remodeled with the exception of Prophet Muhammad's Tomb, the three mihrabs, the minbar and the Suleymaniyya minaret. The precinct was enlarged to include an ablution area to the north. The prayer hall to the south was doubled in width and covered with small domes equal in size except for domes covering the mihrab area, Bab al-Salam and Muhammed's Tomb. The domes were decorated with Quranic verses and lines from Qaṣīda al-Burda (Poem of the Mantle), the famous poem by 13th century Arabic poet Busiri. The qibla wall was covered with glazed tiles featuring Quranic calligraphy. The floors of the prayer hall and the courtyard were paved with marble and red stones and a fifth minaret (al-Majidiyya), was built to the west of the enclosure. Saudis Inside view of al-Masjid an-Nabawi When Ibn Saud took Medina in 1905, his followers, the Wahhabis, demolished nearly every tomb dome in Medina in order to prevent their veneration,[5] and the Green Dome is said to have narrowly escaped the same fate.[6] Muhammad's tomb was stripped of its gold and jewel ornaments, but the dome was preserved either because of an unsuccessful attempt to demolish its hardened structure, or because some time ago Ibn Abd al-Wahhab wrote that he did not wish to see the dome destroyed despite his aversion to people praying at the tomb.[5] Similar events took place in 1925 when the Saudi ikhwans retook—and this time managed to keep—the city.[7][8][9][10] In the Wahabi interpretation of Islam, the veneration of tombs and places thought to possess supernatural powers was an offense against tawhid.[11] After the foundation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, the mosque underwent several major modifications. In 1951 King Ibn Saud (1932–1953) ordered demolitions around the mosque to make way for new wings to the east and west of the prayer hall, which consisted of concrete columns with pointed arches. Older columns were reinforced with concrete and braced with copper rings at the top. The Suleymaniyya and Majidiyya minarets were replaced by two minarets in Mamluk revival style. Two additional minarets were erected to the northeast and northwest of the mosque. A library was built along the western wall to house historic Qurans and other religious texts. In 1973 Saudi King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz ordered the construction of temporary shelters to the west of the mosque to accommodate the growing number of worshippers in 1981, the old mosque was surrounded by new prayer areas on these sides, enlarging five times its size. The latest renovations took place under King Fahd and have greatly increased the size of the mosque, allowing it to hold a large number of worshippers and pilgrims and adding modern comforts like air conditioning. He also installed twenty seven moving domes at the roof of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.[12] In 2007, according to The Independent, a pamphlet, published by the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs and endorsed by the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, stated that "the green dome shall be demolished and the three graves flattened in the Prophet's Masjid".[13] The original mosque was not very large, and today the original exists only as a small portion of the larger mosque. The newer and older sections of the mosque are quite distinct. The older section has many colorful decorations and numerous small pillars. Gallery Pedestrian View of Retractable Umbrellas Al-Masjid an-Nabawi at night. Umbrellas for the Piazza of al-Masjid an-Nabawi. Architecture and special structures Al-Masjid an-Nabawi One of two courtyards inside the mosque Interior view of the new section Sun rises over al-Masjid an-Nabawi As it stands today, the mosque has a rectangular plan on two floors with the Ottoman prayer hall projecting to the south. The main prayer hall occupies the entire first floor. The mosque enclosure is 100 times bigger than the first mosque built by Muhammad and can accommodate more than half a million worshippers.[citation needed] The mosque has a flat paved roof topped with 27 sliding domes on square bases.[14] Holes pierced into the base of each dome illuminate the interior. The roof is also used for prayer during peak times, when the domes slide out on metal tracks to shade areas of the roof, creating light wells for the prayer hall. At these times, the courtyard of the Ottoman mosque is also shaded with umbrellas affixed to freestanding columns.[15] The roof is accessed by stairs and escalators. The paved area around the mosque is also used for prayer, equipped with umbrella tents.[16] Sliding Domes and retractable umbrella-like canopies are designed by the German architect Mahmoud Bodo Rasch and his firm SL Rasch GmbH and Buro Happold.[17] The north facade has three evenly spaced porticos, while the east, west and south facades have two. The walls are composed of a series of windows topped by pointed arches with black and white voussoirs. There are six peripheral minarets attached to the new extension, and four others frame the Ottoman structure. The mosque is lavishly decorated with polychrome marble and stones. The columns are of white marble with brass capitals supporting slightly pointed arches, built of black and white stones. The column pedestals have ventilation grills that regulate the temperature inside the prayer hall.[citation needed] This new mosque contains the older mosque within it. The two sections can be easily distinguished: the older section has many colorful decorations and numerous small pillars, and fans have been installed in the ceiling; the new section is in gleaming white marble and is completely air-conditioned.[citation needed] Riad ul-Jannah The heart of the mosque houses a very special but small area named Riad ul-Jannah (Gardens of Paradise). It extends from Muhammad's tomb (Rawdah) to his pulpit (minbar). Pilgrims attempt to visit the confines of the area, for there is a tradition that supplications and prayers uttered here are never rejected. Entrance into the area is not always possible, especially during the Hajj season, as the space can only accommodate a few hundred people. Riad ul-Jannah is considered to be a part Jannah (Paradise). It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that Muhammad said, "The area between my house and my minbar is one of the gardens of Paradise, and my minbar is on my cistern (hawd)."[18] Rawdah Main article: Green Dome View of the Rawdah from the side Tomb windows of Muhammad (left), and his Caliphs (right) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and Umar bin Al-Khattaab As per Muhammad, Rawadh is also in Heaven, the same Rawdah which is currently in Masjid-e-Nabwi. It is a small place in Masjid-e-Nabwi, floored with Green Carpet just to identify it, and the entire Mosque is floored with red carpet. The Rawdah is one of the most important features of the site. It holds the tomb of Muhammad and two of his companions and first Caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab. A fourth grave is reserved for Jesus, as it is believed that he will return and will be buried at the site. The site is covered by the Green Dome. It was constructed in 1817 C.E. during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II and painted green in 1837 C.E.[3] The Rawdah has two small gateways. The original pulpit was much smaller than the current one, and constructed of palm tree wood, not marble. The current marble pulpit was constructed by the Ottomans.[citation needed] Mihrab [icon] This section requires expansion. (June 2012) The mosque currently has three Mihrabs, of which the largest is currently used by the imam to lead the prayers. Minbar [icon] This section requires expansion. (June 2012) Muhammad sometimes preached while standing by a wood of palm trees. In 628 a minbar replaced it so that Muhammad was able to raise above the crowd and lead prayer. It was a one-meter-high wooden pulpit with three steps. A fire destroyed it in 654. The minbar which was built in the reign of Ottoman Sultan Murad III is still in use.[citation needed] Minarets [icon] This section requires expansion. (June 2012) The mosque has 10 minarets built in different eras. The largest 6 were constructed during the reign of King Fahd.[citation needed] Imams and Muadhins This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2011) Key Imams: Muhammad (Prophet of Islam and first imam) Abu Bakr (Senior companion, first caliph and second imam) Umer Bin Khattab (Senior companion, second caliph and third imam) Uthman ibn Affan (Senior companion, third caliph and fourth imam) Ali Bin AbiTalib (Senior companion, fourth caliph and fifth imam) Current Imams: Shaykh Ali Abdul Rahmaan Al Hudhaify (Senior Imam) Shaykh Hussain Ale Shiekh (Senior Imam) Shaykh Salaah Al Budair Shaykh Abdul Bari Ath Thubaity Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al Qaasim Shaykh Abdullah Abdul Rahmaan Al Bu'ayjaan (Appointed as a Taraweeh Imam on the 15th Night of Ramadhaan 1434 and later appointed as a permanent Imam on the 10th October 2013) Shaykh Ahmad Taalib Hameed (Appointed as a Taraweeh Imam on the 16th Night of Ramadhaan 1434 and later appointed as a permanent Imam on the 10th October 2013) Shaykhs who have led in Masjid Nabawi Saad Al Ghamdi (2009) Khalid Al Ghamdi (2010 and 2012) Muhammad Ayub (1990-1999) Abdullah Juhany (1998) Maahir Muaquily (2005) Ali Al Sudais (1995) Abdul Wadood Haneef Imaad Zuhayr Haafiz (2011) Ibrahim Al Akhdar (1990-) Abdul Aziz Bin Saalih Muadhins Bilal Habshi Umar Sunbul Essam Bukhari Saud Bukhari Hussain Rajab Umar Yusuf Kamal Maajid Hakeem Abdul Maajid Surayhi Abdul Rahmaan Khashugji Ashraf Afeefi Ayyad Shukri Faisal Numaan Abdul Muttalib Najdi Abdul Aziz Bukhari See also Portal icon Islam portal Portal icon Saudi Arabia portal Portal icon Architecture portal Burial places of founders of world religions Holiest sites in Islam (Sunni) Holiest sites in Islam (Shia) List of mosques Islamic art References Google maps. "Location of Masjid an Nabawi". Google maps. Retrieved 24 September 2013. The History of Electrical lights in the Arabian Peninsula Ariffin, Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed (2005). Architectural Conservation in Islam : Case Study of the Prophet's Mosque. Penerbit UTM. pp. 88–89,109. ISBN 9789835203732. Petersen, Andrew (2002-03-11). Dictionary of Islamic Architecture. Routledge. p. 183. ISBN 9780203203873. Mark Weston (2008). Prophets and princes: Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the present. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 102–103. ISBN 978-0-470-18257-4. Doris Behrens-Abouseif; Stephen Vernoit (2006). Islamic art in the 19th century: tradition, innovation, and eclecticism. BRILL. p. 22. ISBN 978-90-04-14442-2. The second plunder by the Wahhabis Mark Weston (2008). Prophets and princes: Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the present. John Wiley and Sons. p. 136. ISBN 978-0-470-18257-4. Vincent J. Cornell (2007). Voices of Islam: Voices of the spirit. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 84. ISBN 978-0-275-98734-3. Carl W. Ernst (2004). Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World. Univ of North Carolina Press. pp. 173–174. ISBN 978-0-8078-5577-5. Peskes, Esther (2000). "Wahhābiyya". Encyclopaedia of Islam 11 (2nd ed.). Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 40, 42. ISBN 9004127569. "The Prophet's Mosque (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi) - Medina, Saudi Arabia". Medina, , Saudi Arabia: Sacred-destinations.com. 2009-10-19. Retrieved 2009-12-04. Jerome Taylor (24 September 2011). "Mecca for the rich: Islam's holiest site 'turning into Vegas'". The Independent (independent.co.uk). Retrieved 2012-04-13. Frei Otto, Bodo Rasch: Finding Form: Towards an Architecture of the Minimal, 1996, ISBN 3930698668 |